Potted flamingo lily care instructions
Potted flamingo lily care instructions

potted flamingo lily care instructions

Some of my favorite parts about this plant are the following. There are a number of benefits of growing Anthurium.

potted flamingo lily care instructions

I suspect that most of the commonly available anthuriums are either the Anthurium andreanum species, or perhaps a cultivar of this species or a hybrid. Green spadix on the older “flower” and a white spadix on a freshly opened “flower” On fresh flowers, the spadix will be white, and then it turns green as it ages. Notice the red spathe on my Anthurium below, and the green and white spadix. In nature the spathe is used to attract pollinators to the tiny flowers which are found on the protruding spike called a spadix. The spathe is actually a modified leaf.Īnthuriums belong to the Aroid plant family and they typically have a spathe and a spadix. There are only two species of Anthurium that have red flowers and they are Anthurium andraeanum and Anthurium scherzerianum.Īctually the red “flower” is the spathe of the plant. I’ve had the plant for well over a dozen years and it keeps getting bigger and bigger! Be sure to give your Anthurium a small trellis or a stake for support if/when it starts to extend, just like mine in the photo above. I didn’t know they grew this way until mine started vining. You may be surprised how big they can get. If you know me, you know how much I don’t like common names! So I’ll just stick with Anthurium which is the genus.

Potted flamingo lily care instructions